A.3.Generating a hypothesis

Real-World Question: Why does lake water freeze before ocean water?

Step 3. Generating a Hypothesis: Today you will continue with research so you have enough background knowledge to create a testable question and generate an hypothesis.

Scientific Models can be simulations that model concepts we cannot see with our eyes. Today you will generate a hypothesis and draw a concept map that models your hypothesis. A good investigation will have multiple hypotheses and require you to use your intuition to select the most likely hypothesis.

Watch the following videos and describe with your teammates exactly what is happening at the molecular level. (You may have to watch the multiple times).

Water freezing, energy taken away

Ice melting, energy added

Set up your notebook like the picture below.

Use your intuition to select the most likely theory and write the scientific question and testable question that goes along with that theory. Then write a hypothesis that expresses the cause and effect relationship within your theory.

  1. Scientific Question:

  1. Testable Question:

  1. Hypothesis:

a. Independent Variable (cause):

b. Dependent Variable (effect):

1.Use your intuition to produce at least 3 possible theories that explain the phenomenon. Then select on theory to generate a hypothesis.

2.Write a scientific question by reformulating the real-world question with specific ideas from one of your possible theories.

3.Write a testable question can be tested in an experiment because it has only one independent and dependent variable and indicates a clear cause and effect relationship between the two.

Note: Your independent variable is the variable in your theory that causes the ocean to freeze slower than the the lake water. It is your perceived cause.

Your dependent is the effect or result, the phenomenon.

  1. Draw a model of how your independent variable affects the freezing of water.