A.8. Post Assessments
Study Guide
Study Guide
Big Ideas: Freezing Point Depression, Scientific Modeling, Scientific Investigation
Big Ideas: Freezing Point Depression, Scientific Modeling, Scientific Investigation
Content Vocabulary: Phenomenon, Intuition, Atom, Molecule, Hydrogen Bond, Polar, Water Molecule, Electrostatic, Molecular Level, Crystalline Structure, Independent Variable, Dependent, Hypothesis, Variable, Freezing Point, Melting Point, Depress = Lower, Dissolve, Replica, Diagram, Control Experiment, Reliability.
Content Vocabulary: Phenomenon, Intuition, Atom, Molecule, Hydrogen Bond, Polar, Water Molecule, Electrostatic, Molecular Level, Crystalline Structure, Independent Variable, Dependent, Hypothesis, Variable, Freezing Point, Melting Point, Depress = Lower, Dissolve, Replica, Diagram, Control Experiment, Reliability.
Process Vocabulary: Scientific Investigation, Intuition, Scientific Method, Testable Question, Iterative, Perceived Cause, Tested Variable, Independent Variable, Control Experiment, Scientific Model, Real-World Question, Reliability, Cause and Effect
Process Vocabulary: Scientific Investigation, Intuition, Scientific Method, Testable Question, Iterative, Perceived Cause, Tested Variable, Independent Variable, Control Experiment, Scientific Model, Real-World Question, Reliability, Cause and Effect
Skills: Drawing Models, Integrating New Knowledge, Graphing
Skills: Drawing Models, Integrating New Knowledge, Graphing
1. Talk through the content vocabulary as a team. If you cannot explain the vocabulary to your teammates, look it up and write it down.
1. Talk through the content vocabulary as a team. If you cannot explain the vocabulary to your teammates, look it up and write it down.
2. Select 3 of the most difficult content vocabulary and make a test question.
2. Select 3 of the most difficult content vocabulary and make a test question.
3. Answer your test questions.
3. Answer your test questions.
4. List the steps of the Scientific Method and briefly describe what you do in each step.
4. List the steps of the Scientific Method and briefly describe what you do in each step.
5. What makes a testable question for a science experiment?
5. What makes a testable question for a science experiment?
6. Why is the perceived cause labeled “perceived”?
6. Why is the perceived cause labeled “perceived”?
7. What is a Control experiment and why do we use them?
7. What is a Control experiment and why do we use them?
8. Why do we go back and answer the Real-World Question?
8. Why do we go back and answer the Real-World Question?
9. How is the independent variable, cause, perceived cause and tested variable the same and different?
9. How is the independent variable, cause, perceived cause and tested variable the same and different?
10. What is the difference between an atom and a molecule?
10. What is the difference between an atom and a molecule?
11. Draw a scientific model that explains how freezing point depression works at the molecular level.
11. Draw a scientific model that explains how freezing point depression works at the molecular level.