A.8. Post Assessments

Study Guide

Big Ideas: Freezing Point Depression, Scientific Modeling, Scientific Investigation

Content Vocabulary: Phenomenon, Intuition, Atom, Molecule, Hydrogen Bond, Polar, Water Molecule, Electrostatic, Molecular Level, Crystalline Structure, Independent Variable, Dependent, Hypothesis, Variable, Freezing Point, Melting Point, Depress = Lower, Dissolve, Replica, Diagram, Control Experiment, Reliability.

Process Vocabulary: Scientific Investigation, Intuition, Scientific Method, Testable Question, Iterative, Perceived Cause, Tested Variable, Independent Variable, Control Experiment, Scientific Model, Real-World Question, Reliability, Cause and Effect

Skills: Drawing Models, Integrating New Knowledge, Graphing

1. Talk through the content vocabulary as a team. If you cannot explain the vocabulary to your teammates, look it up and write it down.

2. Select 3 of the most difficult content vocabulary and make a test question.

3. Answer your test questions.

4. List the steps of the Scientific Method and briefly describe what you do in each step.

5. What makes a testable question for a science experiment?

6. Why is the perceived cause labeled “perceived”?

7. What is a Control experiment and why do we use them?

8. Why do we go back and answer the Real-World Question?

9. How is the independent variable, cause, perceived cause and tested variable the same and different?

10. What is the difference between an atom and a molecule?

11. Draw a scientific model that explains how freezing point depression works at the molecular level.